Cycad Names | Chigua restrepoi D.W.Stev.

Chigua restrepoi D.W.Stev. [IPNI] [POWO] [MO]

First published in: Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 57: 169-172, figs. 1a-h. (1990).

Nomenclatural Type Information
Collector and Number: D. Stevenson 693
Locality: Colombia: Córdoba , 14 Mar 1987
Type Location(s): HT:COL; IT:FTG, NY

This name is considered a synonym of Zamia restrepoi (D.W.Stev.) A.Lindstr.

References (3)

Lindström AJ. 2009. Typification of some species names in Zamia L. (Zamiaceae), with an assessment of the status of Chigua D. Stev.. Taxon 58 (1) : 265-270.
López-Gallego C, López-Alvarez N. 2007. A rescue, propagation and reintroduction program for one of the most endangered cycad genera: Chigua in northwestern Colombia. Cycad Newslett. 30 (4): 34-35.
Stevenson DW. 2001. Orden Cycadales. Fl. Colombia (1983+) 21 : 1-91.